The t-method audit module is suitable for compiling the annual audit plan and tracking its implementation. The audit report editor interface has always provided a clear, easily editable surface for auditors, where they can attach evidence in one place and record and monitor the necessary actions.

The latest feature of the t-method software allows us to create checklists for conducting audits and fill them out either on the interface or using a mobile application during the audit.
- We can compile the checklists for the audits ourselves, or we can use templates that contain specific checklists for certain standards (e.g., the VDA 6.3 checklist).
- If we want to use our own lists, we can choose the evaluation strategy we want to use to show the audit results and determine how many points each response to the questions will be worth in the calculations.
- We can record descriptions and requirements for a given question, which will be displayed to the auditor when filling out the audit.
- An audit report is generated that includes the audit results.