Nowadays, dozens of mobile applications assist us in our daily lives. We use our phones to plan routes, start parking sessions, or even manage banking tasks. So why shouldn’t they help us in supporting manufacturing?
There are numerous areas in a plant where on-site, quick documentation is needed. However, notes taken on paper need to be digitized later, which can lead to significant time loss and potential errors. A well-designed, user-friendly mobile application can solve this problem. With a phone, we can not only achieve fast and accurate data entry but also utilize other advantages. We can use the phone’s camera to scan QR codes or barcodes, which helps identify the manufacturing machine, product, or warehouse material during data entry. The camera can also be used to take photos, which can be instantly attached as evidence to the corresponding note.
Currently, the t-method software offers mobile application solutions in two major areas.

Production Planning / Product Inspection
- Digital measuring sheets aid in making the product inspection process more efficient.
- Inspection sheets can be parameterized in the software based on either the control plan or product characteristics.
- With the help of the application, measured values can be recorded in seconds.
- Comments can be added to the recorded measurement results, or even photos can be attached as evidence.
- The application enables on-site, real-time fault reporting.
- Using QR codes, faulty equipment can be identified, and photos can be attached to provide the maintenance team with as much detailed information as possible about the problem.
- For maintenance personnel, the work order interface helps them log completed tasks or materials used during maintenance right next to the machine.