Document management

Successful management and effective corporate operation depend on well-organized documentation management. For the efficient operation of any management system, precise documentation—specifically multi-level documentation—is necessary. This documentation regulates and makes production/service processes clear and transparent, aligning them with the organization’s strategic goals. The t-method software provides support for the development, maintenance, control, and archiving of all regulatory documents.

  • With the t-method software, our documents can be easily and transparently managed.
  • Permission levels help establish rules for accessing or editing documents.
  • Search capabilities are enhanced by filtering options and tables showed by organization, type, or production operation.
  • Expiry dates can be set to ensure regular reviews as required.
  • There are several options for editing documents in t-method.
  • When using the software classically for registry purposes, any type of file can be uploaded, requiring only an identifier and a name.
  • It is also possible to upload multiple files under one identifier or automatically translate them into the languages used in t-method, storing these translations under the identifier.
  • Documents can also be edited within t-method: definitions, descriptions, or input fields can be added to our Word documents, which can even be filled out with t-method master data.
  • Documents can be versioned and validate after acceptance by inspectors and approvers.
  • During versioning, it must be specified which organizations or which jobs are obliged to become acquainted with the content of the document.
  • To measure the effectiveness of acquaintance, a questionnaire can be attached to the document, in which case we only approve the acquaintance of the document in the software in case of successful examination.
  • The distribution of the document can occur on paper, facilitated by an instructor. In this case, the instructor records the acquaintance in the software, or the participants of the training acknowledge it with a digital signature.
  • For users, the software prepares electronic distribution, in which case the user, upon logging into the interface, can read and become acquainted with the document.
  • In the case of attaching a questionnaire, answering exam questions is required for acquaintance.
  • The acquaintance of documents can be viewed in distribution matrices.
  • The due dates of reviews or the list of documents awaiting acceptance can be easily queried on the interface..

For more information, check out our module introduction video:

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