Process management connects corporate strategy and translates it into the level of corporate processes with the aim of satisfying customer expectations in a controlled manner, most effectively and efficiently. For effective operation of an economic organization, numerous interrelated processes must be identified, optimized, and managed. The t-method software provides support in designing organization processes and creating operational rules.
Process-oriented approach
- Processes of the organization can be designed and visually represented in the T-method software.
- It’s also possible to create multi-level process models.
- The system documents are prepared according to the specified processes.
- The process-oriented turtle-analysis forms a coherent unit with the system documents created in the module.
Risk analysis
- Standard risk analyses can be prepared for the specified processes.
- With flexible parameterization options, the organization can customize the way risks are evaluated.
- Measures taken to manage risks are also compiled into a separate table for easier management.
Process descriptions
- The tasks of individual processes can be defined in process descriptions.
- Assigning responsibilities to individual tasks allows querying the individual’s role in the entire management system.
- It’s possible to create process flowcharts to easily understand the relationships between tasks within the process.
- Documents and standards can be attached as references to the descriptions.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
- .It’s possible to define key performance indicators (KPIs) for each process.
- Data related to KPIs can be documented through a simple interface designed for this purpose.
- KPIs can be tracked on a weekly or monthly basis, both in tabular and graphical formats.