Organization planning

Successful management, the prerequisite for effective corporate operation, requires that employees possess the expected qualifications and competencies. For the efficient operation of any organization, it is essential to define the expectations towards the employees and support them in meeting these expectations. We align processes with the strategic objectives of the organization, as well as with customer and regulatory requirements. The t-method software provides support in accurately defining requirements, quickly managing organizational changes, and displaying data as needed.

  • The t-method organization planning module is suitable for designing organizational structures and displaying the relationships between individual organizational units in a tree structure.
  • Ad-hoc groups, project teams, and cross-functional teams can be created alongside the system-based structure.
  • Job requirements necessary for performing tasks can be defined per job (or role).
  • Rights and obligations related to the job position can be easily identified and assigned.
  • An employee can fulfill multiple jobs.
  • Job requirements expected from employees are determined by their jobs.
  • The employee’s acquired qualifications and competencies can be documented on an optimized, easily understandable interface.
  • The interface provides a simple overview of training and document distribution matrices.

Skill matrix

The software ensures traceability of employees’ preparedness through available skill matrices.

The training matrix shows the employee’s proficiency level in a given operation.

We can evaluate, in a point system, the employee’s progress in familiarizing themselves with workstations.

The competency matrix allows an overview of acquired qualifications and competencies.

The distribution matrix indicates the status of document familiarization for the employee. 

  • In the t-method, we can easily create the annual training plan and continuously monitor its implementation.
  • There is an opportunity to edit e-learning and exam materials for the training of employees through e- learning.
  • The qualifications and competencies acquired during training are automatically documented for employees.

Need more information? Check out our module demonstration video as well:

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